Use the Social Exchange sites to get Free Twitter Followers in Mass

social exchange site

How to get lot of free followers on Twitter

We all want as many followers as possible, right? At least if you're running a blog or a company and would like to be able to make some profit from the site/blog or whatever you run you need to have visitors, and you get loyal visitors from social exchange sites. is a site where you can find new Twitter Followers and more.
It's of course free to become a member and you get a lot. As a member you get more and free exposure than you would without your member. Some examples are free Twitter followers, retweets, Facebook likesYoutube views, Google +1, and much much more.
 You get a few credits every day you login and you get additional credits for every one you follow.Since you can use your credits for various types of social media with just one account, this is a perfect service. You can use it  to get twitter followers,retweets,Facebook likes,Facebook followers, Google +1, and even Youtube views and votes as well as visits to your web site.

Get Full list of social media exchange here  Social exchange sites

Use Hashtags To Get More Followers

hashtags twitter to get more followers

How use Hashtags to get more followers in Twitter for FREE !!!

 As you know hashtag is a  feature of twitter. It's good for tracking conversations and group activity. Hashtag is a simple word after the "#" character like this: #twitter.

But how can you use this to get more followers?

Follow people who will  follow you back ! You follow and get followed,simple... This method is the easiest way to get more followers on twitter. There are lots of users who will  follow you, because they need followers too. Some use some tools to do it like Tweepi or Managefilter,ect... and it's the best for you, because you will be followed almost instantly.

How to find these users?

There are so many Twitter hashtags that used for this reason. All you have to do is to follow those, who use these hashtags. Here are some of the most popular back follow hashtags to get you more followers:

*Check a full list of hashtags  to use  Hashtags Twitter to get  followers
After you follow some of the users under these hashtags, check your followers list, and notice, they will follow you back in a few minutes

-Take the lists of  people usernames: TeamFollowBack Lists for free followers on twitter
-Follow 500 people per day.Save your time with  Tweepi ,ManageFilter,Bots whatever you want
-After 2 or days 3 days unfollow people who don't follow you,Once again save your time doing it with tools

Important: Do not unfollow these users, or they will unfollow you as well...
Also notice, that there are users who don't follow back. Check the followers/followings ratio first! ;)

11K FollowBack list to get more Twitter Followers Free

Followback list

Here we go
So now you know about it this is a list of twitter users using hashtags like teamfollowback, followback ect that you can use to get more followers

Get list of more than 11 500 FollowBack people

Tool to use: Tweepi
Bot to use: TwitterMoneyBot

You can download or simply copy paste the list from  here link: http://pastebincomppzdgav1

Others list of followback twitter users:
4400 followback users
2000 hand selected followback users

Twitter Tool: Tweepi

Tweepi is one of the most powerfull Twitter tool
to find and manage your followers is a website that lets you find Twitter users, get information about them, and follow them. You can also use it to manage your followers. Here’s how you can use Tweepi to find potential customers.

Scenario: You’re planning a wine-tasting event in Seattle, which will take place in a few months. You want to start following people who might be interested in attending: wine afficianados in your area.

Start with Twitter’s People Search
Go to Twitter and search for people or businesses whom your customers might follow. In this example, we’re looking for people in Seattle who are interested in wine. So, we’ll search for “Seattle Wine.”
Examine the results for an account that has followers likely to be interested in your event. In this case, one of the accounts, @20somethingwine, is for a wine tasting event. It has 1455 followers–chances are many of them would be interested in your wine-tasting event, too.

Use Tweepi to See Followers
The next step is to go to Tweepi. Open a new window and go to Click the Login for free button to log in using your Twitter credentials.
Tweepi allows you to do several tasks. Under Manage Twitter, you can unfollow people who aren’t following you or follow back people who are. In this case, under Follow Tweeps, select @user’s followers.
Enter the handle of the account we found in our Twitter search, @20somethingwine, and then click the Start following button. (Don’t worry, you won’t actually follow all of that account’s users.)

Select Information to View about People
Now, you can see all the people following this user’s account. You can look at all sorts of information about these followers. The next step is to select the information you want to see about each user. In this case, we’re looking for potential attendees for our event. Click Columns to see a list of information you can display.
Let’s look at people’s Bios to see if they mention wine, and also display their Location. We want people who are activey using Twitter–it won’t do us any good to connect on Twitter with people who never use Twitter. So, we’ll select Last Tweet, which will tell us when the user last tweeted, and Last Checked, to see when they last logged into Twitter. (Remember, some users read the stream but tweet very little.)

Filter to Reduce the List
We only want to see people located in the Seattle area, so let’s use the Filter option. Point to the Location column and a down arrow will appear. Click on it and then point to Filter. Enter Seattle in the text box to filter out anyone who isn’t in Seattle.
Now, you can look through the accounts. In this case, you’re looking for real people (not business accounts) who have tweeted or checked Twitter fairly recently, and especially people whose bio mentions an interest in wine. Like this person:
He looks like he’d be interested in a Wine tasting event!

Select and Follow People
When you see someone you want to follow, check the box. Tweepi (the free version) shows you 20 people per page. At the bottom of the page, just click the Follow button to follow the people you’ve selected.
If things go well, they’ll follow you back. Even if they don’t, you have the opportunity to start a conversation with them, now that you’re following them.
You can do a lot more with Tweepi, including adding people to lists, and viewing statistics to help you find potential influencers or curators. But that’s for another post. In the meantime, try out Tweepi to discover some great new people to follow.

A good tool to use with this method for follow in mass people Hashtags to use to get more twitter followers

Social Exchange Sites


This is an exchanging network where people share Facebook Likes, View YouTube videos, provide Google-Plus or Visit Websites. In return they get points. These points can be used to get additional fans or convert points to money for cashout.This site will help you to increase your fans asap !!!


AddMeFast is a network that will help you grow your social presence. We allow you to look and choose who you want to like/subscribe/follow/view and skip those who you are not interested in.AddMeFast helps you to increase Facebook, Google+, YouTube, Twitter,, VK, MySpace, Instagram, Pinterest; Reverbnation , SoundCloud, StumbleUpon


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Likesfollow provide absolutely FREE service but make sure that you grow and prosper in holding robust presence through social media. Without effective social media presence boom in the business cannot be achieved. What clicks your mind instantly when the cliché ‘social media’ passes by you?


This site allows you to exchange traffic and social media with other users. The system is very simple, when you like, follow, or view other members social media pages or visit their websites, you will receive coins which you can then use to get more followers, likes, views or visitors to your website and social media pages.

4 400 AutoFollowBack list

 Get list of 4400 FollowBack people

Great list of people using hashtags like followback teamfollowback ect
You can download or copy paste the list from here

Tool to use: Tweepi
Bot to use: TwitterMoneyBot 

Others list of follow back people:

More Twitter Followers Tips

free followers twitter
What I do to find free followers in Twitter. Just simple Tips

Here is list of things which I personally do to get twitter followers FREE:

In my twitter campaign when I want to get twitter followers free first thing I do is – I post some interesting tweets (which contain some interesting, usefull tips, tricks and links) on my twitter profile (this will draw more people’s attention). Second and very important thing is to have filled out your ‘bio’ or ‘description’ field on your twitter profile (with this you will have more back follows).
On this link you can read about one research post that shows that twitter profiles that contain ‘bio’ attracts 8 times more twitter followers free then one without ‘bio’ field filled out (

Another very important thing is to put on your twitter profile some custom image. I usually use red colored images (instead of the default image, because it’s much more noticeable then when it is in other colors, and it draw’s people’s attention).
Then I find some other twitter profiles whose subject or topic is related to the subject of my twitter profile and which has at least several 10,000′s of followers (these twitter profiles are getting new followers quickly, and this way you’ll avoid following the same people again).
You can find those profiles through many twitter directories.
You can also find those twitter profiles if you already have twitter profile which has at least few 1000′s of followers by logging into this service, and by searching through your followers (you do this by clicking on link ‘Your Followers’ and by sorting them clicking on drop down menu in which you can sort them by number of followers; you can see how many followers all of your followers have and if their twitter profile is related to the subject or topic of your twitter profile).

Then I start following with Tweepi up to 500 of their twitter followers (i start doing this when it is 9:00 am in USA, because my main target are USA visitors). This way I get targeted followers (followers who are interested in what I want to promote).
Then after 48 hours (or every other day) I unfollow all those that are not following me, and again follow another 500 followers from another twitter related account (this way I avoid following the same people again), and again after 48 hours I repeat this process.
I don’t recommend following more then 500 people at once, because your twitter account might get suspended. And you should wait some 48 hours before unfollowing those people that are not following you for the same reason. And you must not unfollow people right after following certain number of people for the same reason.
After following some 500 people on twitter – in the next two days you will get around 200 people following you back. This way you will get new twitter followers (every month I get around 3000 new followers on each of my twitter profiles).
And what is also very important is that if your primary target are USA visitors you should do this from 9:00 am (in United States) and on. Visitors from USA, Canada and other western countries use much more electronic ways of payment then people from other parts of the world. If you this when most of them are sleeping, you will have much lower response rate and number of visitors from these countries .

Some Tips to get more Followers

How To Get More Followers on Twitter

Here are some tips to have more free  followers twitter and at the same time avoid annoying your Twitter followers:

1. Thank everyone who follows you, but don’t give them a sales pitch in the process. That leaves a very bad taste as the first communication you have with your new follower.
Remember what your Mom said: “You don’t get a second chance to make a first impression.” She was a smart cookie – listen to her advice. Make your thanks unique, honest and non-commercial.
2. Don’t send stupid tweets. No, really. Listen to me on this one. If you send 10 tweets a day about how you are going to the store, walking your dog and washing your hair, you will lose followers, period. Don’t do it. It makes your tweets seem like a really boring reality show.
3. Don’t send excessive tweets, no matter what the topic. If you send endless tweets all day long, people will start avoiding your tweets and not read them.
You want your followers to hang on your every word, not treat you like a phone call from your annoying Cousin Julie (You know, the one you roll your eyes at when you see her name pop up on Caller ID. Admit it. I know you do.)!
4. Send interesting tweets. Send tweets that no one else does. Send tweets that your followers love. (Like my Doctor Who and Harry Potter tweets. Those are a hoot. It’s okay. You can admit you want to follow me now just so you can get those.)

How to find your Targeted Market in Twitter

Twitter is an online social networking website. With that said, you can do much more than update your friends and family on the happenings in your life. In fact, Twitter is a great online marketing tool. Whether you are selling a product or service, you can use it to increase your sales.
Many wonder how it is possible to make money with Twitter. The service is free to use, but you don’t get paid for using it.

How To Find More Free Followers On Twitter

As previously stated, you can make money if you sell a product or a service. This is because you develop a following on Twitter. These individuals are called followers, but they are also your friends or your contacts. Messages are sent throughout the system.
When using Twitter to market or sell a product or service, proceed with caution. You do not want to outright sell, as you may be labeled as a spammer. Instead, do so subtly. For example, do you run a website that sells eBooks? If so, your message could say “It took weeks, but my website is finally complete. I sell eBooks. Checkout the website and tell me if you like the format.” This gets people to your website, but without you technically soliciting a sale.

You can also use @replies to market a website selling eBooks, or any other product or service. Say you receive a message that says “I wish there was an easier way to learn about making money online. There are so many websites to visit.” You can respond with “Hey, I have a website that has an eBook for sale on working from home. It has all the information you need in one place.” Since you are responding to a message, your aren’t outright spamming Twitter members.

As you can see, there are multiple ways for you to use Twitter as an internet marketing tool and to improve your profits. The only problem is you must first develop a list of followers. Yes, your close friends and family are a good start, but they may already know all about your business and what you sell. That is why you need to expand your horizons, but how do you do so?
First, it is important to determine your targeted market. If you sell eBooks on a wide range of subjects, you will have a wide market. If you sell used kids clothes on eBay, your target market will include parents, and so forth. Once you know who your targeted market it, it is easier to find these individuals on Twitter.

As for how you can do so, the easiest approach is to join online communities. In keeping with selling kids clothes online. Join message boards for parents. Start conversations with other members. After a few days, make a post stating that you are a member of Twitter and are looking for other contacts. Say you want people to follow you on Twitter, but that you will follow them too. Not only do you get followers, but you get those in your targeted market.

Next, you can turn to the Twitter website itself. From the main page, you can click the “Find People,” link. Search for members with profiles online. You can search by location or name. Quickly scan a profile to see if a bio is present. If so, read it. What is the person interested in? Are they are parent, pet owner, or do you see other signs that classify them as a member of your target market? If so, make contact. This approach is time consuming, but it does work.

Finally, it is important to know how updates are sent. Although private updates are allowed, many Twitter members send updates to everyone on their contact list. If a reply is sent and not privately, you can see it. This allows you to see the name of other Twitter members. Become a follower. If the person you are now adding is a friend or family member of someone in your targeted market, they may share similar interests. If you need more join those sites to get more free follower twitter

Some Tips for Internet Marketers

Affiliate marketing on Twitter is a fantastic way to make money online. It is a great way to increase your sales. Just be careful so your Twitter experience is a pleasant (and profitable) one.

Here are 7 tips that affiliate marketers should keep in mind:

1. Be personal with your tweets. Don’t send out the same tweet over and over or to different people. If people are tweeting about needing holiday presents, don’t send, “Hey! Shop at my site” to everyone! Tweets should be personal, not canned.

2. Be genuine with tweets. Don’t try to be something you are not.

3. If you do send a sales link, send it as a natural part of the conversation. If you chat with people, eventually they will ask what you do (or you can drop subtle hints) – then you can mention it.

4. Don’t send a direct link to your product. Send a link to your blog or a general informational website. Don’t be so blatant about trying to get a sale.
For example, if a Twitter mom complains about not doing well with potty training Junior, don’t send her a link to your ebook on potty training; instead, send a link to your blog post that discusses potty training ideas (that can include your affiliate link to the ebook). You will get a much more favorable reception.

5. Be useful and helpful. Not every tweet has to be about “you, you, and you”. Take time to tweet about others and be a helpful part of the community.

6. Listen to your followers. Ask questions, and then help them out. You can get great feedback from tweets. (I get lots of ideas for info products and affiliate products from the feedback I receive from my followers.)

7. Use tweets in moderation. Don’t tweet about every single thing you do. (Like “going to the store” – do people really care?) Don’t send direct affiliate links. Don’t toot your own horn all of the time. Let people hear from you, but don’t be too chatty.
Used correctly, Twitter is a great way to add to your profits. Just make sure to use it wisely.

Twitter Marketing Do and Don't

How to act good with your free followers
Some Rules to apply while prospecting

Do not send personal messages to potential clients. Do you already have an account for personal communications?  If so, do not send personal messages to prospective clients or site visitors. This is very unprofessional. If you are trying to sell a product, don’t talk about how much fun you at a college party.

Do create two separate accounts for personal and business use. As previously stated, avoid sending personal messages to prospective clients. You can send private messages to your friends and family, but this can be a time consuming process. Instead, create two separate accounts, as you will save time and there will be no confusion.

Do not spam. Spam is a big violation on Twitter. You may find your account banned. If that wasn’t bad enough, think about the consequences. Your name, website, and products may be attached to your messages, resulting in a bad reputation.

Do use clever forms of advertising. Spamming is prohibited on Twitter but advertisements are allowed in moderation. If you do not abuse the privilege, you will not find trouble. Even still, use clever forms of advertising. Instead of highlighting your services as a professional web content writer, ask readers to review your samples or give you input on your rates. Be sure to include a link.

Do not pressure your followers to buy. Your followers are those who signed up to receive your Tweet updates. They chose to do so of their own free will; however, they can also choose to end these updates. That is why no pressure should be applied. Users do not want to feel used; therefore, use clever forms of advertising, as there is less pressure.

Do include a link. When sending updates to your free  Twitter followers, include a link. Do not over abuse links, but use them to your advantage. Once again, it is important to be clever. Do not spam your followers with advertisements highlighting your writing service rates. Instead, answer the Twitter question of what are you doing. Your message could say “Writing articles for a client.” Then, insert your link. You aren’t soliciting business, but making it know you work for hire.

Do not send late night tweets. It is no secret that home based and online workers work flexible hours. Yes, many may work the traditional 9-5, but others are up till the early morning hours. If you are one of those individuals, know that most are not on the same schedule. For that reason, avoid late night Tweets. Followers with mobile web alerts may be awoken from sleep.

Do visit Search.Twitter and use @replies to your advantage. Many people Tweet about what they are doing, but others ask questions. With a search, you can find members who are looking to buy a product you may sell, looking for a service you may offer, or looking for advice you may offer on your website or blog. If so, send an @reply with a personal message and a link.

Why use Twitter as Marketing Tool

Here we will consider how you can use Twitter For Marketing and to gain new clients or make more sales.
Whether you are just getting started with an online business or you have been around for a while and looking for a new way to network, have a look at what Twitter has to offer for Marketing.
Part chat program and part tiny blog, you will find that the Twitter interface is one that can change the way you interact with your current customers and potential customers worldwide.
You will then be able to successfully use Twitter for Marketing in many ways!

Twitter As A Tool:

1. It’s Short, Sweet & To the Point Have you ever heard the phrase, less is more? You’ll find that one of the best things about Twitter is that it keeps all messages very short and sweet. You’ll have to give your customers and clients the gist of what is going on in short tweets (messages similar to instant messages) that allow their interest to be piqued in such a way as to make them investigate further. You won’t bother them with long-winded messages that make them yawn and move on. Instead, you will be able to catch their attention quickly and make them want to know more.

2. Immediacy
Much like a blog or an RSS feed, you can get access to the people that use Twitter regularly. In some ways, this is like making sure that you can reach them no matter where they are, and you will find that this is very important when you want to make marketing one of your biggest priorities. You are making sure that they have all of the latest updates to what you are doing and what’s going on by simply sending a tweet their way.

3. Everyone’s Doing It
In many ways, Twitter is a social program more than it is a marketing one, and you’ll find that using Twitter can help you feel a great deal closer to your client base and other’s in your online community. If you are looking to make sure that they see you as a person rather than as simply a company or service, you’ll find that Twitter encourages them to think of you as someone they can get to know. This can be very important when it comes to establishing a customer base and customer loyalty.

4. You Get to Hear a Lot
Remember that it goes both ways; you can put information out on Twitter and you can also learn a lot too. By following other’s Twitter accounts,  or using the social exchange sites to get free followers on Twitter especially if it looks like they have a lot to offer, you can keep in the know about various products, services, and other happenings online. This can be a great way to keep an eye on what is going on in order to keep yourself in the know of your industry.

5. Make Them Laugh
You can also use Twitter to tease people a little bit, in a fun way, of course! When you use Twitter, you have to keep your messages short, and in many ways, a little mysterious. Pique their interest, joke around, and you’ll find that you gain a lot more followers and hopefully website traffic and customers as a result.

AutoFollowBack list 2K people

Get a list of 2 000 people following back
Tools to Use: Tweepi
Bots to use: TwitterMoneyBot

List link:

HashTags for more followers

Hashtags Twitter to get more FollowBack followers:


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Twitter Tool: ManageFlitter

ManageFilter Amazing Twitter Application site:

A Twitter management tool designed to help users efficiently communicated with followers and control account interactions. The service, which is based out of Australia, offers some interesting features that distinguish it from other Twitter clients.
From its unique PowerPost tool to topic analytics and and follower stats, ManageFlitter brings a lot to the table. Its really a must tool to manage your hard gained free twitter followers :) But how handy is it?

The first tool that is presented to a user is designed to enumerate accounts that you should stop following–and it is aptly named Unfollow. This tool displays specific data about accounts you follow: those that don’t follow you back, those without a profile picture, potential spammers, non-English tweeters, accounts that don’t have many followers, inactive accounts, talkative accounts, and non-talkative accounts. If you upgrade to a Pro account, you also get the options of seeing fake (spam) accounts that follow you, combine these filters in Ninja Mode, or create a whitelist of accounts that you don’t wish to modify. For anyone in these categories, you can easily unfollow, force them to unfollow you, or manage them with Twitter lists.
It’s a bit odd that this is the first tool that is presented to users of ManageFlitter. For starters, how often are you going to want to mass-unfollow a group of users? It seems as if you would only use this tool occasionally if you find that your feed is becoming too cluttered. From a strategic perspective, users often follow Twitter accounts with the sole hope that the account will follow them back. The Unfollow tool would be useful to prune out those accounts that did not return the favor, but again, how often would this be used?
From the perspective of social media marketing, it makes even less sense to highlight this mechanism. If you’re concerned with quantitative interactions it is unlikely that you’re going to want to mass-unfollow accounts or force them to unfollow you. If the idea is to spread the word about your brand or product, limiting your social connections feels like it is in the opposite direction of where you want to be heading.

The next tool, Follow, acts as the exact opposite of Unfollow. However, it is only available to Pro accounts. As you might expect, this tool is designed to help you figure out new accounts to follow. It contains filters that outline people who are following you but you aren’t following back, your verified followers, and popular followers. It also lets you see who other accounts are following and who is following them. And like Unfollow, the Follow tool lets you combine filters in Ninja Mode.
For the casual Twitter user, this feature is great in aiding the discovery of other users with whom to connect. In the eyes of social media marketing, it lends useful data about the users who are following your account. Many social media campaigns like to follow back their followers–it’s a nice gesture that helps build a customer-brand relationship. The Follow tool makes it easy to quickly follow back other accounts and find out who and what else your followers find interesting.
One of the downsides of this tool, and throughout the service, is that there’s no easy way to engage with your followers. You are simply given data in the form of a list. While quantitative data has its merits, quality connections are gold in social media. It is much more valuable for your brand to build a strong and meaningful connection with 200 users than it is to pass along surface content to 2000 users. This might seem contrary to traditional marketing, but social media is not traditional marketing. Two hundred devoted and engaged customers are more likely to share and recommend services to friends and family and other users will trust personal recommendations far more than typical advertising. Unfortunately, ManageFlitter doesn’t provide much of a mechanism to facilitate this.

ManageFlitter’s search tool is much more powerful and user friendly than the one built in to the Twitter website. Simply type in a search term and you can see what people are saying about it. Like the other tools, it allows you to mass select search results so that you can manage follow settings and lists very easily. It is also extensible to user profiles as well.
One of the nicer features is that you have the capability to order the search results. Twitter’s native search only lets you order by date. ManageFlitter lets you order by user tweets, lists, a user’s last tweet, how influential a user is, and followers. For both users and brands, the search tool is very powerful in finding out what others are talking about.

Analytics, like Follow, is another tool that is only available to Pro accounts. It is very similar to Search except it keeps historic data and presents it in a graphical format. To test, we searched for the term besttechie and observed the output. One of the most interesting features was the output of Tweet Clusters. This graph attempts to analyze both when and how people are discussing a topic–either through retweets or sharing of a specific link.

Other useful data about a topic is also available. You can analyze by language, mentions, author, source, hashtag, and url. Such information is valuable when trying to gauge how users are discussing a topic, such as your brand.
Our only complaint follows suit with the issues with Follow. While the data is nice, there is no immediate way to act on the data from within the tool. If I see that a lot of users are tweeting about a specific link on my website, I may wish to reach out to them to respond to their comments. As of now, there is no way to do that from within ManageFlitter.

At the end, doing this regulary you can collect a good amount of free followers twitter

Twitter Tool: JustUnfollow

What is ?

JustUnfollow let's you unfollow those not following you back. You can also find Twitter users who haven't tweeted in a long time and unfollow them. Why follow someone who is clearly not going to see your tweets? JustUnfollow them!We show everyone who's following you but whom you aren't following back. You can choose to follow such users.Whether you're a blogger with a couple of Twitter accounts or a top-class social media agency managing hundreds of Twitter accounts, JustUnFollow lets you easily add all the accounts and manage them from a single location. Found someone on Twitter with similar interests as you? Or maybe you want your customers to find you? Use our awesome Copy Follower feature to follow the followers of any Twitter account. This way you are able to follow the right target audience for your Twitter account and obtain  free twitter followers site: 

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